This could very well be the studio of my dreams. A Victorian not so sweet that it's syrupy, just enough to be charming...with a touch of elegance, not so much that it's stuffy. A girl's place. An artist's place. An anything-is-possible-place. A place where amazing things could happen.

For the past few months I have had the wonderful opportunity to interact everyday with the incredibly talented and generous people at my Collage Camp workshop and my Mixed Media Mania workshop. Over 150 open hearts and minds from 7 different countries. A blessing, I tell you. We covered all the ins and outs of making fabric collage art based on my techniques with amazing results from the "Campers." If you don't believe me go to Collage Camp and check out the Photos section where many have posted their work.
Back in June I started getting e-mails asking if I ever taught in-person workshops...which I never really have. If you saw how much stuff I rely on to make my work you would laugh at the thought of my schlepping that around the country. But what I could do...maybe...just maybe...is teach right here in the lovely little town I have called home for 6 years, Longmont, Colorado. But where would I do that? My studio now barely accommodates me and my dog. So I started rolling it around in my head.
One day, I was walking Fiona along the creek near our house and very clearly I saw a backyard with a group of women sitting around a table. It was so vivid, I could almost make out their faces. I literally spoke out loud to my dog-daughter..."What I need is a house!" There I said it. Threw it right out there. And the God that I know and love snatched it up and began to move things around like He tends to do.
A couple of days later I am driving down Main Street and I see a sign in a store window..."Coming Soon Cayenne Kitchen." Didn't think much of it. A couple of days later, seeing there was way too much traffic on Main Street, I headed one block over to a quieter street that would get me where I was going. A street lined with lovely Victorian bungalows that were mostly small businesses. This gorgeous little red and cream house caught my eye and I glanced over at it as I drove by. The sign in the front yard said Cayenne Kitchen. I got all of two houses past it when it hit me. If the sign on Main said Cayenne Kitchen was coming soon, then Cayenne Kitchen was moving out of that house. Could it be? Naaahhhh.

Nonetheless, I parked my car and walked back to the house. The couple who owned the business was there and they said the house wasn't for rent yet, but it would be soon. They gave me the name of the couple who owned it. Wendell and Eula. I liked them already. I went back to my car and called them right away. They said they were just around the corner and could I wait? Could I? You bet. And that was that. We worked things out over the next few weeks and right around the time of birthday number 53, I was given the keys to a house whose number is 530. Could it be? I think so. I prayed everyday about this fabulous little place. I told God to slam the doors right in my face if this wasn't the place he wanted me to be.
Instead he opened them one by one and told me all this could be.
Two of the beautiful rooms could be a great spread-out-you-stuff-and create-all day-long studio.

The two main rooms could be a Gallery for my work and other artists I love and admire.
The empty kitchen with it's very cool linoleum could be a paint studio in the cold months.
The 400 sq. ft. Carriage House out back could be a paint studio in the warm months.

The Sunroom could be filled with geraniums (my favorite flower) and say welcome to all who walked in the front door.
The front yard could be filled with flowers and the backyard could be filled with those women I envisioned that day.
Best of all this house could join me in hosting workshops that would bring me face to face with the wonderful artists and soon-to-be artists that I have met through cyberspace these past months.

I am so excited about teaching here...sharing here...inspiring here...making friends here. Thinking about joining me and hanging out in this little house filled with art. You wanna come?
You could.
Could it be any cuter? And I LOVE the story!!!! I'm so excited for you and hope some day to be teaching in this adorable little house! ;)
Oh KC. What a precious place!!!! So very perfect for you to work your magic and share it with others ~ I can't wait to see it filled with your things, xxoo, Dawn
I'm so happy for you! I love the house. It should be perfect for what you want to do. God opened a wonderful door for you. All you had to do was step through.
Isn't life amazing! I am so pleased this is happening for you, what a gift! God is good!
Serendipity - gotta LOVE it!!
Just discovered your blog via facebook - congratulations on the new space - it looks perfect! :)
~ Carolee
HaPpY BiRtHdAy !!! Don't you just love the way God brings things together. 53...530...I bet you are walking on air!!! May the Lord bless every little corner and flower bed of your new adventure.
God blesses abundantly :D
I can't wait to see the art that spill out of this lovely house!
Great big smiles,
This is a wonderful dreamplace! I am trying to find a way to come down to take a workshop!!! I'm throwing that thought out into the world!!! Thanks so very, very much for the little quiltie you sent to me! I LOVE it. It is perfect and in my favorite colors. Jamie V in MT
I have no idea where exactly your beautiful little house is but I tell ya I'd love to visit!!! It is gorgeous!
God's timing is awesome and so is the house!!! Congrats my friend!
Hi KC,
What a charming little bungalow .It's so quaint , i love it .
Wish i could visit ......you never know oneday....perhaps. Have wonderful , funfilled days there KC , you deserve it.
Hugs Lorrainexx
Fabulous K C, meant to be with 53! Love the house. I will have to save my pennies who know maybe someday I will be able to take a class in your lovely new studio!!
you know your words are so inspiring, if you are doing this next year I WILL be there!!!
Bless your heart. This is not by any means a coincidence, 'tis simply just God doing what He does. I am thrilled for you. You just go in there with all the lucky gals able to take your classes and rejoice and create. God Bless. Mollye
Oh yeah. I LOVE God's sense of humor; He delights in giving us the desires of our hearts when our hearts are fixed upon Him.
Congratulations on being a woman after God's own heart and receiving some of the desires of your heart. Isn't it wonderful when He does that? Thanks be to God!
Have a delightful time in your new studio; I am sitting here with a silly grin on my face sharing in your joy and excitement!
I can't wait to see it...I am so excited for you, it is just so charming and what fun fixing it all up. The Lord is good. Thanks for sharing your story it is an encousagment to all of us
Loving This!!!! Your Art Is to die For!!!!
Come by for a visit....
Incredible! Just incredible! I love that house and all of it's charm and character. What a wonderful place to create and spend time with others!
bunny hugs,
Hey girlfriend!
Looks like you have been busy!!! :) What a beautiful and spiritual place...I am so glad you followed your heart! As we say in the "art business" world---Dream, Plan, Do!
Call when you get a chance and bring me up-to-date! xo...deb
KC: This story is a perfect example of "if you build it they will come." I love that the Universe was right there making it all happen for you. Congratulations on making a drem come true. And I must admit, I've very envious!
This is the cutest! Great vibes! Great art!
Great love! Great God He Is! All things are possible! Good luck on your new venture. Wish I was in the neighborhood. Smiles and Blessings, Nancy
What an inspiring story. I will be turning 53 in less than a month and I want a "530" in my life too. I am far away in Kalamazoo, MI, but hope to head our west with my boys next summer. We will make a stop in Colorado to see your place. Found this blog because you requested me as a friend on FB. Perhaps this is God's first step for me in making a dream of some sort come true for me as well. Good luck and please post more photos. I love old houses.
Nancy in Kalamazoo
Ohhh Kc - I too beelieve if you want something you must ask God - one of my mottos is "Ask-Beelieve-Receive"...before I go to sleep tonight I will ask for sure...like you I too believe in things that come into our life & connect with other things of our life already - like you with turning 53...& your artist's "Hive Sweet Hive" honeycomb #... you'll be buzzing around doing all sorts of neat things...ENJOY! Have a honey of a night - sweet dreams! grace peace & joy 2 "U" Marlene
I will see it..I will see it..(my new mantra..) I will see it!
that is the sweetest story ever!! Would love to drive up and see you!
OH MY DREAM!!! I have always wanted a spot like this. OK, maybe if I work hard & sell some stuff.... I can come & play at yours someday. Congratulations on finding such a treasure.
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