Thursday, August 27, 2009

$300 Lipstick Ranch Shopping Spree...Again!

OK, so you didn't win the first $300 shopping spree...doesn't mean you can't be the name drawn in this one! I'm pretty serious when I do giveaways and this one is no exception. On September 5th I will draw a name and I hope it's yours. $300 worth of art of your choice from Lipstick Ranch. Fun.

I'm gonna keep it short and sweet....write a line or two in your blog about my 2009 and 2010 workshop schedule being up and running and link to the Studio Retreats page. If you want to mention that the likes of Joanna Pierotti and Sarah Fishburn (to name just a couple) will be teaching here...go ahead. Oh and if you can't help but tell them workshops paid in full up front get 20% off and until the drawing is held September 5th those same paid workshops get one night of their hotel free here in lovely Longmont, CO....well I'll forgive you. And all of you who have already booked a workshop, here's your chance to blab incessantly about it and get in on the drawing. You can pick out your $300 worth of art in person! Very fun.

If you are one of my international friends and know that your followers probably won't make the trek to the US to attend a retreat...tell them about the on-line version at Collage Camp and you can get in the drawing too.

Drop a comment here telling me you've done that and you are in the drawing. Logan and I plan on recording a short video of the drawing and posting the winner that way.

Added 8/28/09...please take a moment and re-read the above carefully...the drawing is for $300 worth of my art...and you must Blog/Facebook/Twitter or something to get in on the drawing. Leave a comment after you have posted one or all of the above in order to get your name in the drawing. Your name will not be put in the drawing for leaving a comment. The $300 is for art not workshops or anything else. Okey dokey?

Thanks all...and good luck!


Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

You got it! I had just last night mentioned your Lipstick Studio on my blog - and several people have come by to see you - I know they'll be back - the RAVED about what they saw :-)

Charmingdesigns said...

Howdie KC...I just put you on my blog!!

Sherry Goodloe said...

I just posted here: and if you haven't checked out my previous post, it's lipstick ranch related as well! xoxo sherry

Anonymous said...

hiya sweets! i've just added you to my blog. perfect timing -- i'm heading out of town for a bit tomorrow and won't be back for a few days.


PeregrineBlue said...

ooooh me me me this time so I can use it to go to Mossy's workshop in 2010.

Gina said...

Wowza! While I have no hopes of attending, I would gladly promote for a chance to win those wonderful goodies! I read about it on Sherry's blog and had to see for myself if it was a typo!

jackieb said...

Yes, yes, I want to win!!! I have blogged and asked others to blog.

Going to a retreat sounds soooo wonderful :}

Thistle Cove Farm said...

My post is up so count me IN!

Trouble though...we don't have bandwidth to allow downloading a video so could you, pretty please, also post a blog entry?

Thanks, Sandra

Lisa said...

Hey's posted on my the new offerings! I'm gonna get there yet! xxoo

Stephani Gorman said...

Hi KC! I have had a link on my blog to your camp, but I am going to mention a few more of the details you have listed. Yeah!!! Thanks-you for the chance to be in your drawing!!!:)

Jo Archer said...

Hi, I've given you a big thumbs up!

Coleen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue K said...

I just got done posting a link and info. about your classes on my blog. I would love to come and visit your delightful new studio and take your classes, but it isn't in the cards these days.
Please sign me up for your awesome art giveaway!!! Oh how I would love to have some of your artwork!!!! Thanks for offering this!
Hugs, Sue K

Eileen said...

Howdy KC!

I'm happy to blog about your workshops and I so look forward to attending one in October!


Anonymous said...

I posted about you and your classes! I hope you stop by my blog for a peek. It would be wonderful to win and have a piece of your art!

Heather said...

Count me in! I did an announcement and link on the Audrey Eclectic facebook page :D

Jan Thomason said...

Hi, dear one!
I have posted a long post on my blog about your giveaway and about me taking one of your retreats - it's also on Facebook.
Is that two entries? LOL

I was happy to do it, shopping spree or not.

xoxo, Jan

Heartwideopen said...

Hey Girlfriend!
I just posted about the classes and linked back to you (it's also on FaceBook). You are gathering up a bounty of classes for 2010. I can't wait to take a class at your studio!
Big HuGGe HuGGs!

Jamie said...

I have mentioned all of these wonderful opportunities on my blog... hoping to sign up soon for one of them! Thanks. Jamie

Her Art Nest said...

Hi KC!
Will give it a second try....could I even be that lucky? How unbelievable that Sarah will be teaching one of your classes. That's awesome! Thanks for the chance to win something this grand. Nancy

Anonymous said...

Oh yes!...Do count me in, KC!...I love all the exciting things i see here...I will add your classes to my blog ASAP!...So great that JoAnna will be teaching too... Doubt if i can attend, but the goodies would be great!
Tristan inspired me to try collages!
then, i found your site..wooohooo!
thanks, gypsy

Rose ~Victorian Rose ~ said...

I am EVER TOO AND SO LATE for this drawing..but want to tell you HOW amazingly wonderful this piece of artwork is.



The Feathered Nest said...

Oh KC!!!! I just read this on Facebook and JUST posted sweet it is:

Your fall weather sounds wonderful sweetie....xxoo, Dawn

Theory said...

This is all new to me, but I love your work and will surely blog about you and your upcoming events. Thanks to sweet Dawn for the info on yours. I'd love to make the trip to Colorado. Theory in Iowa