When I was writing more or less full time...way back in the 90's...there was one particular year that I set out to write a novel. In that year I wrote three novels. Yep, in one year. Tad bit manic was said by some. And yeah, it was a bit of that, but there was also the very real "thing" I had going on with my characters. I gave them waaaaay too much control over me. Sometimes they would wake me up at 5 in the morning tugging on the shirt sleeve of my mind saying "Hey-hey wake up...I've got an idea...you know what I could do?" Tad bit schzoid was said by some.
Once a story was done, I barely had time to take a deep breath and revel in my accomplishment, before an entire set of new characters would come forward. It was like there were people in my head waiting in line to tell me their story. As soon as I saw them I recognized them, seemed to know everything about them. And we were off and running. Tad bit scary was said by all.
I walked away from writing many years ago. I am a bit hyper...ok a bit manic...and being a novelist with its many months to write the story, many months (even years) to sell the story, and another year or two for good measure before you held a book in your hand...was just too drawn out for me. I need a quicker fix for my creative juices.

Enter fabric collage art. It's still storytelling. I still have characters-the faces on my pieces. I still have dialogue-my quotes. I still have a setting...the fabrics and papers everything sits on. And I still have a happy ending-my pieces hanging on walls all over the world. Oh...and one other thing I still have...waaaay too many ideas.
Now instead of characters standing in line in my head...ideas for new work wake me up at the crack of dawn saying "Helloooo." While I am known for my fabric collage wall hangings, the past nine years have seen my brand of collage art on clothing, jewelry, altars, boxes, paintings, altered books, found objects, crosses, birdhouses, garden decor, papers on papers and one of my favorites, furniture. So it was probably not a far leap to imagine that I might have a few things I wanna share/teach beyond my wall hangings that are near and dear to my heart.
So in a manic moment of workshop ideas roaring down the Autobahn of my mind...I decided to go ahead and let you have it. Thus KC Willis Mixed Media Mania was born. A series of on-line workshops very much in keeping with the spirit of my Collage Camp. Fun, informative and hopefully inspirational workshops based on some of my favorite things.
The first three are open for Early Registration at a discounted rate at the Ning site I have set up for this Manic Menagerie. They are on Altars and Shrines, Works on Paper and Altered Books. Yipee! I for one can't wait. Logan and I are making the videos as we speak (Fiona is helping out again) and they will be up before you know it.

How about one of my famous The Women-The Flag. Ain't I the generous-type? The first one of these that I ever made is in the permanent collection of the Cowgirl Museum in Fort Worth. (There are 50 women for the 50 stars.) If you live in another country and want in on the drawing...you can select something else if you win.

It's time to head off to bed...but wait! I've think I feel an idea coming on.
Woo Hoo! I'm in! Will let you know when I post my praise! By the way, Collage Camp has been the BEST!!! Thanks for putting my creativity in overdrive!
Hippee! More classes.....yes, you certainly have been put my creativity in motion! I would love to participate in the second drawing. Collage camp has been great, and can't wait for more. ~Nan
We love our flag! Looks great on a wall by itself!
KC your flag pieces are gorgeous. I would love to win one!
Add my name to the hat I've posted to FB and will twit later today to tomorrow!!
Hi KC ,
This sounds like a brilliant idea , can't wait for class to begin . Love the flag....
Lorraine xx
more classes-yea! and i've been lucky enough to see some of your work "live" at the cowgirl museum giftshop in ft worth-beautiful! and of course-you are mentioned in my blog and my favorites!
Hi KC, I've linked you to both my blogs for the giveaway and I've been telling everyone on Yahoo groups about the workshops.
well i would love to enter to win some of your art but these drawings leave out us campers who go to camp but don't have blogs or a web presence. boo hoo......have fun everyone, pattib
linked the badge to your site and will be writing an article about the new giveaway.Love the flag. Can't wait for the classes.
Your flags are some of my favorite KC pieces! I have blogged, tweeted, been on FB, shouted and think I may have even hummed a few times today about MMM & CC!
I don't know what you are on cowgirl, but I need some...you have things going on everywhere! Maybe I need to put on my red ropers!
Girl you hit the blog runnin'
Count me in!
Thank you!
Hey sweet girl!!! I just HAVE to post about this giveaway AND your new workshops!!!! I love your energy KC.....xxoo, Dawn
Amazing - the flag.
I'm sitting on the fence post about joining the camp but am definately going to take your paper class.
i will post on my fb page about your flag, your camp, your blog..........i'll cover it!
hope i win, jan
Oh, you had me at giveaway ;) I put a link up on my facebook page (we're friends on there so it should be on your homepage list)
That flag if GORGEOUS! I hope fate is on my side with these giveaways!~
Also, I love to write too...I worked as a newspaper/mag writer before my current incarnation as an artist. I love writing and stories...especially history and local lore...I'd love to see what sort of books you wrote! Are they still available?
I just put your flag on my post to tell everyone about it then I started to come back and comment about it and Dawn beat me to it! ha ha So we will have your flag all over my blog roll. My pleasure...Your flag is just beautiful and so detailed. Who ever gets it will be a blessed person...tks for sharing with us your beauties..Sharon
Wow! I just stumbled onto your blog. Amazing talented such beautiful art!! I only wish I could come to the class.
Oh my gosh I am in love with that flag....it is absolutely gorgeous!!
Have a great day!
Ok.. being a psych nurse, can I just tell you how much I enjoyed your story as much as the flag! YOU ROCK!
Gypsy girl@TatteredRebel
WOW! I'd L-O-V-E to win! Thanks for giving me a chance. I don't have a blog, but I did give you a plug on my Facebook. Deb
OOPS, my email is thebee52@verizon.net. I want to be sure you can reach me to tell me I've won. Also want to say I'm really enjoying Collage Camp, and look forward to takinf a Mixed Media Mania class. Deb
This flag is fabulous, your a great writer too.
I love this.
Please count me in, YOU ROCK !!!!!!!!!!!
Hugs, Laura.
Hi!!! You have so pretty blog, I love it. Please, count me in too...
Wonderful piece, as are all I've seen. You ar an amazing fabric artist and I will certainly Facebook, Twitter and blog about this fantastic site!
hey there sweets,
gorgeous blog, just added you to my bloglines.
your art is amazing!!
have a great week.
I am so glad you stopped writing. Your work moves something in my soul. Cool
I love the flag. I have seen the one in Fort Worth.
I do not have a blog but I will email all my crafty friends and every where I go I will tell people.
Thank you so much.
debbie peysen
Well I have posted the link to your camp for the giveaway (both of them!)
Ohhhhhhhh I so love your flags!!! I've posted on my blog about both of your giveaways and about the classes at Collage Camp and at Mixed Media Mania. My blog links to my Twitter too.
Stop by and check out the write up here: www.flatwoodsfolkart.typepad.com
So happy to see this lovely creation....the colors bring me peace and a feeling of calm...just beautiful....Edy....P.S. waiting for my cd to start making my own rip roaring fun
You are beyond generous, I put it on my blog. Still working on another fabric collage, I am a bit slow, but it is fun. Thanks again KC
Just found your blog while visiting Dawn at The Feathered Nest. I so love your flag...what a great way to show what we're all about. Now on to browse awhile on your blog.
added you to my blog.. great read and work!
Just found you and I am in love! Amazing stuff and so different!
Have just posted about Collage Camp and Mixed Media Mania on therenaissancechick.blogspot.com! Will post on moonlighthollowstudio.blogspotcom in a few days! Please put my name in the drawing...a couple of times! :)
Oh, I so want that flag. It's gorgeous! I have one with yo yos and its also very special. I have added the link on my blog but had trouble embedding the link to the Camp which would really add to the overall tribute to you.
Thank you for your generosity.
You make me tired just thinking about what must go on in your mind! I WOULD LOVE TO WIN! Thank you so much. I am going to post about your give away on my blog on Thursday. Yippeeeeee love a give away!
Am hoping I can put my name in the hopper ... no blogs, etc., but I've passed your blog info on to several people. This is a delicious giveaway - one my daughter (retired Navy) would absolutely love. We are such a patriotic family!
Signed: SuZeQ
OK, I did it. You'll find your inspiring art and a link in the sidebar of my blog. And now, I'll have to live with crossed fingers and toes. This is wonderful, amazing art. Thank you so much for the chance to win.
I love how you compare the written story with the fabric story...you make it REAL! Too cool!
And the Cowgirl Museum in Ft. Worth...TOO COOL! How fabulous!
That is really an amazing piece of work. I love it.
xoxo Nita
I learned about your blog from Dawn over at the Feathered Nest. I love your work and would be honored to win your Gorgeous Flag! Thank you for the opportunity!
Artful Blessings,
KC - you create such amazing art! I have linked to this wonderful opportunity on my blog at http://rem-nants.blogspot.com
I'm looking forward to joining your workshops! Jamie V in MT
Count me in on this! I love cowgirl art.
such a cool flag...love it and just in time for the holidays! Thanks for inclulding me...vicki from Oklahoma
just love your site!!! i have added you to my favorite list.Love the flag i collect anything red, white & blue. Thank you!!
Wow, KC! The flag is fantastic. I amamazed with everything you make. You have so much talent and I love that about you. Thanks for, yet again, more of your generosity. Please count me in. I'd cherish anything from you.
I have you linked up, again, on my blog. You've got two special spots on my blog now.
really beautiful pieces
Hey KC... I've posted about your giveaway and your generosity on my FB... loving 'the women - the flag.'
great flag! I linked on my blog!
I am so inspired by your wonderful art! I love everything about it! I'm taking a break from my blog, but posted a link on my Facebook page.
Thanks so much and Blessings to You!
Claudia O.
Better late than never...just got back in town and have posted about mixed media mania on my blog!
LOVE, LOVE THIS FLAG.. what a beautiful work of art!!
I posted about mixed media mania on my blog and I would love to win this flag! It's beautiful! You do such wonderful work!
Thank you so much!
I keep popping back to find out the lucky winner. I've never been so excited about a giveaway before. I'm not trying to enter twice, I just wanted to say once again, thanks so much for the chance to win. It's been great fun.
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