Whoa...did I say that? Yes, I guess I did. All right then, I've made the commitment...so let's get on with it.
We have been having such a blast at Collage Camp...haven't we gang? If you have any doubts, just check out the Camp Photos section! You guys are either ridiculously talented or I'm a REALLY good teacher! But sitting around the old Campfire recently, we decided we need more Campers to come play in the fire with us and hike around the collage trails. Sooo....I'm offering a reward-I mean I am opening up a mega-giveaway.
Mention Collage Camp on your blog-you don't have to write an essay-just mention what a good time you're having-or if you're not attending Camp, just mention that it looks like a good time and link to The Camp. You can even grab the little icon off the Camp front page. If you don't have a blog, post it on your Facebook Page, or on any other art group you belong to. Even a Twitter or two will work. Heck, send postcards-you know..."Having a wonderful time...wish you were here." Tell your readers they can get in on the drawing too by doing the same thing you are doing. This is an equal opportunity run-amok shopping spree. But, please be sure they understand that this means they have to link to Camp too. They can't simply comment below this blog and have it count. Okey-dokey?
Drop a comment at this particular blog, stating that you have bandied about the Camp logo shamelessly and your name will get in the drawing for a $300 Lipstick Ranch get-whatever-the heck-you-want shopping spree. None of my fabric art is off limits. The drawing will be held in 3 weeks-Monday, June 15th.
Be there or be square.
WHAAAAT??? I've so wanted to join your camp girl!!!! I will be happy to blog about it and also about the giveaway as well ~ your style is amazing...and your talent? Just breathtaking!!! xxoo, Dawn
I am so THERE! All I have blogged about for days is this great collage camp! I am so jazzed about it and am having a ball creating collages. So far I have done 7 collages and a tag. This camp is so "right up my alley". My regular blog readers have been telling me that each collage is better than the one before. Yikes!
You have done a fabulous job, KC, and I thank you for making the videos and offering the collage camp. I have been an admirer of your work for years.
Oh, wow! I am so all over that, too! Although I am currently not able to start my workshop classes due to chemo yuck I am going through, I hope to be on it very soon!!! Don't count me out!
Check out my shamelessly bragging blog (which has no pretty header yet, but will soon) at http://burkisworks.blogspot.com/
Hi KC,
I am having way too much fun with your workshop. I have four pieces I'm working on, and keep thinking of new ones I want to start. I actually bought two trash bags full of linens from the thrift store so I'd have more fabric to choose from. Thank you so much for sharing your art and creative ideas in this workshop. I can't stop talking about it on my blog. Even my granddaughter is working on a piece. I'm just gettin the hang of blogging - but you'll see what I've done so far at http://www.bluebayou.net/
Ok I've blogged shamelessly about the workshop...would love to win such an amazing giveaway.. wow!! Either way I am having a blast with the workshop and really enjoying all the fun aspects! Your classes are the best and I am so glad I am able to participate!
I've given my true feelings about camp on my blog!
K.C. I have been blogging away about Collage Camp. I've also been telling customers in our store (Mystic Paper) about it. I think we have at least 8 locals already signed up and we are planning a get together.
This has been a wonderful camp out. I talked with Tweety Jill today and we both decided that it has been one of the most inspirational classes we have taken. Thanks for doing this!
This class has been wonderful. I just added my latest wall hanging to my blog, along with a shout out for your class, there is an icon on the right..Thank you so much for offering this class to us!!! Laurie
Woah, how could I resist THIS? How amazing! and what a generous offer. if by chance I did win, I'm sure I'd cry like a beauty pageant girl! hehehe...
I couldnt help gushing, hope you dont mind...
Wow, love your blog. Found you thru Dawn at The Feathered Nest. Please include me in your giveaway. I will post you on my blog and facebook and a few days.
This is amazing, how could anyone resist. So generous, Wow.
Please count me in, I loved to win.LOL.
Thank you for doing this.
Thanks Everyone! You guys rock my world!
I love your Style, and Your video from HGTV is Great! Please add my name in your Giveaway,Blanca.
Hi KC!
I have put you on my blog, and on facebook, linking me to you.
please put me on your list! I so want to take your class this summer,and the art would be such an inspiration!!
Cathy G
I've posted links on both of my blogs and have told lots of people on yahoo groups about your workshops!
What a wonderful, generous giveaway! You have many of us very excited. I heard about this on a Yahoo! Group I'm a member of. It seems your Camp is pretty fantastic!
OMG, I love your art and would be absolutely thrilled to win the give-away!!!!
Add me to the mix!! I posted on my blog about camp and how much I love it!
What an amazing blog you have and fantastic Collage Camp. I am enjoying myself tremendously. I have you linked up, posted about AND in my sidebar on two blogs. Thank you for your generosity and this great giveaway. It is appreciated.
visionquest2020 (at) msn (dot) com
What fun to explore your site, blog and look at work of your students. I have posted your Collage Camp on my blog and a reference to Tristan at Enchanted Revelry for guiding me to your site! Can not wait to do more exploring and see just what your collage camp is all about.
Hi KC! I would love to enter your giveaway. I have posted your linked camp logo and links to the Lipstick Ranch on my blog at: scrapbook-art-d.blogspot.com
I've seen your work and I love your blog. Couldn't swing for the class at this time. So one is left with hope to be a winner of this fab giveaway. I made a post of it on my blog. http://terrisbloomingideas.blogspot.com
Thank You for sharing what you do.
This has really been fun! I posted on my blog about the class and hope to make more art pieces soon. I can't thank you enough KC for doing this class.
We currently don't have a blog, butyou inspired us (we run an arts related non-profit) to start a collage camp for kids here in NYC. The kids are addicted and do not want to go home. :/ Needless to say, the parents love it, too. haha..
In August, the kids will be showing their collage pieces at our art show/block party/arts fest. We will use this 300.00 (if we win) to support more collage art classes for the kids and their parents. :D
Posted on my personal FB:
Our non-profits Twitter: http://twitter.com/HybridMVMTCo
Linked ya, while wolfing down somemores...
So cool! I'm humbled. I'll e-mail you and get your address. I want to send some collage goodies for the kids at Camp!
I am off to link you as we speak. Charming designshas talked you up for weeks and I have been drooling over your website ever since. Thanks Sharon
I have not attended "Collage Camp" but I've heard nothing but awesome things about it. I can only imagine all the fun you're having.
I wish I could take more classes (or any at that rate), but at this time in my life, I just can't (other priorities). But your work is just amazing and I love your style.
I posted at second on the list but it is not there- I added the post about the giveaway the day it started. Love theis class and KC"s work. Betty from:
Collage Camp. I do not have a bolg but I am sending out it in all my emails. Dawn told me about your blog and giveaway so now I am off to visit your blog.
Thanks for the giveaway
debbie peysen
Holy Moley, sister! What a wonderful giveaway! Yes, I admit I have shamelessly promoted and mentioned and held my own little "round up" on my blog since before we started! I also have had your button on top of my blog sidebar, and have your blog on my blog list with auto updates at all times. I am one of your biggest fans (although i certainly don't deserve to win this wonderful gift, I'd sure love to)!
Hi KC-what a wonder , and oportunity,
I love what you makes (you know) and would be so happy to take a class , ---and it will come, when time is there for me.-But this could be the wonderfull possibility , so I told "the world" on my blog, and wishes you lots of fun with your great gifts.
xo , Dorthe
As a "transplanted from Arizona" Utah gal - I would LOVE to have a chance at this wonderful gift ! Love your art and have been drooling over my computer screen all day..please enter my name!
Here it goes, I am throwing on my hat. Yee-Ha! I'll be crossing finger, toes, and eye's!
Wow wonderful giveaway, please enter my name I can only imagine all the fun that I will have if I win a class.
I will never be able to express how enriching this experience has been KC, I am inspired to do more pieces and make the most wonderful mess of my studio for each. This is a most generous giveaway, and I have shouted out on my blog about it. I hope your next class will double, at least, and others find such inspiration from you as I have. Happy Trails to You.
What an incredible giveaway KC! Throw my name in the cowboy boot! Have posted on my blog this am and keeping my fingers crossed....
Yipee yi oh......
I would love to participate in this awesome and generous giveaway! My studio has stacks of new and wonderful goodies since I attended your class. It seems like my mind is always in search of things, but differently somehow. I want to thank you again for showing me how to create such lovely and meaningful treasures. Love this excitement for you! ~Nan
Ooops, forgot to mention that I have posted your giveaway on my blog. Thanks again for sharing your ideas! ~Nan
I posted the info to my Facebook account. I'd love to win this great give away. I'llalso send out a tweet!
Love your blog and your refreshing attidude! Would love to sit around the campfire with you gals at collage camp very soon. Have posted a blog about the adventures awaiting everyone. What a talented artist you are! Thanks for the opportunity to win the fabulous give-away! dix---
K.C. Isn't this wonder of the world wide internet amazing! I have found you again! You had several of your pieces in my little shop, Nest, in Ft.Collins, Co. several years ago! I see you are still doing what you do best. I am in Wisconsin now getting ready to move to Houston, Tx. I am still doing my art. Of course, I had to write all about your camp on my blog,www.sacredartimages.blogspot.com. Come by and visit me!
Oh, do please put me in the drawing!! Wow!! Thanks! Sioux
Just discovered your blog through and e-mail from Susan Sorrel @ Fibre Arts/Mixed Media. Where have I been. Love your blog and the subjects you touch. The photos you have of Georgia O'Keefe I had never seen except for one. Such a genius. Thank you, I am now a follower.
As for the drawing, I have never won anything so maybe this time.
Oh wow please do put me in the drawing but I never win a thin g but Thank you any way....
Mary R.
Seriously? WOW!!!! This is just toooo wonderful........well, it will be if I'm the lucky gal! I wonder what my chance will be after 3,000 people enter? :-0
I've had a wonderful time exploring.....I'll probably "live" here for awhile.
Warm Blessings,
Gotcha on my Blog!!!! Love your Blog too!
Your classes sound fun..
KC ~ What a great giveaway! Collage Camp is awesome. You have done a great job setting it up. You know I have been blogging, tweeting, FB, sharing it everytime I get a chance. Will repeat just as soon as I get your interview questions to you!
hey KC, I mixed my advertisment for your fantastic camp with a mxed Media Monday challenge, for optimum advertising space!! Happytrails!!
I've just done the same as Kaz on my blog.http://craftyunicorn.blogspot.com/
I'm having such a brilliant time with this technique.
Thank you KC for sharing your gift. :o)
I just left a comment but I don't think it worked! Anyway, please count me in...I would LOVE this and will be crossing my fingers til a name is drawn! I am heading over to blog about it now! xo natalea
What a fun and generous giveaway! Thank you for it.
Dang ya'll. I am lovin' me some KC Willis.
KC, I've blogged about you, shamelessly, and there's a check in the mail. Also, check your link...I don't think it's correct.
Cool! I have been drooling over Tristan's projects from camp and had to check it out. I have posted about your camp and the giveaway on my blog.
Okay, my blog post is ready...mentioned this giveaway and Collage Camp! Now, just waiting for you to tell me that I won!!
Yes yes YES! Throw my name in the cowgirl hat *smiles*. I have posted about your fabulous giveaway this morning. Check it out here: http://gotart4u.blogspot.com/2009/06/hold-your-horses.html
Oh random generator gods, please pick ME! *smiles*
Yippeeee Ti-Yaeee-Yaaaaay! I'm in!
Boy howdy! Will tell my collage artist customers about this camp and will shout it out on my blog!
What a fantastic giveaway! I've got my fingers, toes and eyes crossed!!!
Now THIS is a camp! No bugs, no tents, no outdoor living. This is exactly what I like! Your work is simply beautiful - thank you for thie inspiration and the giveaway.
Signed: SuZeQ
Yes - I am definitely joining the camp... just waitin' for payday. I love your art and your blog. Can't wait to become a 'camper'. I have posted about this great giveaway on my blog. Jamie V in MT
I'll mention your fabulous blog today.
well this is a great giveaway! I have linked this to my blog, too!
Hi KC, I don't have a blog but I put a link to Collage Camp on my website! Hope some people come visit. Thanks for doing this. You are the best! Ginger Bowen
Hey KC! I'm loving camp - I'm a bit behind in my studies, but I haven't felt this inspired in a long long time. Thank you so much for sharing your gift with us.
I've posted on my blog, and can't wait to finish my first piece and show it off ;-)
of course it's easy to talk about something when it's so good, you are a brilliant teacher and I was proud to tell everybody on my blog :)
Linda B
I am so there dear friend! Desperate to take a class or two! I will gladly put you on my blog:
Jacquie Stone of Jacquie's-Chicago
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