A beautiful multi-layered Reliquaries Altered Book like the one she is teaching in her workshop at my studio in February can be made just for you. I want one! All you need to do is mention Lesley's so cool class on your blog and link to her on my Studio Retreats page. Leave a comment on her blog that you have done that and your name is in the drawing. Lesley's blog has all the info.
AND if that wasn't enough....one of the first 5 people signing up for her class will get 50% off their registration fee. That's a 1 in 5 chance. Good odds.
This "Bound Reliquaries" book is so beautiful and Lesley is one of the finest, most talented artists I have met. I can't wait for her to teach this class and I can't wait to see who wins this work of art.
I have added this wonderful info to my web site. www.fadedwithstyle.com And http:fadedwithmist.blogspot.com.
The Art Studio News - Faded with Mist
KC, I took a class with Rebecca from Vintage Living in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. She had recently been out to Colorado to take a class with you. Love your work. I love the fact you use other people's words. I've been doing that for years as I too love words and books. I keep a quote journall for this very reason. You are an inspiration! I'm so glad that I learned about you from Rebecca. She's a jewel as are you. Thanks! - Kathy
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