Sunday, January 2, 2011

All Tied Up

When I was ten years old I was picked on a lot for some reason. Oh wait...I remember. I was skinny, wore glasses and cried at the drop of a hat. A bully's dream target. On a really cold winter day I was hitting the tether ball with a friend at recess. Actually I should say I was trying to hit the tether ball. Physical coordination and I were not on speaking terms.

A couple of tough guys who were in the fifth grade decided they wanted the tether ball and my girlfriend told them they couldn't have it.....

Go to to read the rest of this story. xxoo


Anonymous said...

Oh, KC
Your story of the tether ball brats who tied you to the pole and your wonderful teacher who rescued you, was heart warming to say the least. I was picked on in school too, and people actually set me up, to get me into trouble...but a couple of the teachers figured things out too...praise God for special teachers who can see through things that happen to the vulnerable kids in school. And I am sorry you had a trying 2010. I think a lot of us were stretched to our limits in some way shape or form last year. I had the responsibility, not really by choice, to care for my husband's invalid mother. I did not have much of a life for myself for over a year and ten months because of the responsibilities an invalid requires. But God knows all things...he really, really does. My wonderfully creative, artistic brother who is finally getting his own children's book published in the spring, has been a 'starving' artist many times in his career. We are a close knit family and we do help each other out when anyone is in a bind. Anyway, he said that struggles bring strength of character, and I know in my own life, sometimes I have thrown myself at God for comfort, getting down on my knees and thanking him and also pleading for those in our family who need jobs because of the stressed out economy. The times are rough right now and I guess we need to get back to basics and really think about what is important in our lives. I know you did (or are going to be doing) a San Diego retreat incorporating what God and art. I think that is so wonderful and inspirational.
Hang in there girl! Be strong! It is the only thing that has kept me sane while others around me make questionable life style choices.
Like Dumbledore told Harry Potter, 'It's not our abilities that make us who we are, but our choices that make us who we truly are' and that's the God honest truth. To your own self be true. Another blog friend said she is going to use this new year as a year of reflection. I have heard that in a few places. So I am going to get organized and focus and do some serious doll making as I am in a few doll ning sites. My house is in a mess as I have not been able to keep up with even normal everyday stuff, let alone organize closets and dust everything.
Anyway, didn't mean to make this such a long comment. But YOU ARE an INSPIRATION KC and ALWAYS remember that!
hugs and Happy New Year
Teresa S. in California and in Cloth and Clay doll ning site.
(I am also on your Marketing member site)

Anonymous said...

Hi, KC
Well I left a really long comment but blogger didn't like it that long.
So, just hang in there. I was bulled too and had teachers come to my rescue. And like Dumbledore told Harry Potter 'It's not our abilities that make us who we are, it is our choices that make us who we truly are' But sometimes we have things thrown in our face that if we had our way, wouldn't have been a choice to have to endure. But, my artistic brother said 'strength comes through struggles' He told me I was a strong woman because of how I had overcome adversities in my life, and I sure couldn't have done it without the Lord.
Hang in there! Last year was a stretch for many people.
I am going to make this year a year of reflection and organization to focus on what is important in my life.
hugs, and Happy New Year
Teresa S. in your Marketing class.