In honor of reaching the amazing milestone of having 200 awesome artists belong to my on-line workshop, KC Willis Collage Camp....I am celebrating. This very fun, informative and-oh-so inspirational class will be only $48 for the next 48 hours. 200 Campers from 9 countries have participated or are currently participating in the workshop where I give away all my fun secrets for making the work that I do. Some you would never guess...trust me. :-) If you have 43 seconds to spare...take a peek at this. http://blip.tv/file/1994328
So if you have been wanting to take this on-line class (which was written about so beautifully by Judy Bidwell in the current issue of Somerset Sew) then here's your chance to get it for half price...it's typically $98.
And if you have watched the videos on DVD or taken Collage Camp...please drop a note to your art groups, mention on your blog or Facebook to let your friends and followers know about this great opportunity. $48 for 48 hours (ends Thursday at 8 pm).
I also want to thank the many folks who ordered KC in a Box. If you have not received your Box o' DVDs yet....they are in the works! Putting them together as fast as we can! KC in a Box is box with a collage top that I make just for you and the box contains fabrics and bits from my studio and the DVDs to Collage Camp as well as my Altered Books Workshop and my Altars and Shrines Class. Only $75 right now. Back to $90 on Sunday.

Info on purchasing KC in a Box, as well as the Buy Now button for Collage Camp for $48 is in the lefthand column at www.collagecamp.ning.com.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks so much! And remember to practice Random Acts of Collage-ness. xxoo
Hi dear, KC ,and congratulations,
and what a great offer, I hope lots of folks will see,this and have the gift of being in one of your gorgeus workshops. I am for one very greatfull, to be there. IPOSTED YOUR 48 HOUERS OFFER TODAY ON MY BLOG SWEETIE.
I hope you are all well, and wishes you a great wednesday
sending you love and hugs,
Hi dear, KC ,and congratulations,
and what a great offer, I hope lots of folks will see,this and have the gift of being in one of your gorgeus workshops. I am for one very greatfull, to be there. IPOSTED YOUR 48 HOUERS OFFER TODAY ON MY BLOG SWEETIE.
I hope you are all well, and wishes you a great wednesday
sending you love and hugs,
I came in from Dorthe's blog and signed up! I have been wanting to take one of your classes since last summer! I am super excited! :)
I joined your workshop after greatly admiring Judy Bidwell's fabric collage art. I am so excited to have the opportunity to learn from you KC! I really appreciate your great teaching style too.
I signed up after reading about this at Dorthe's as well - your work is bloody amazing! I am really looking forward to this; I've been quilting for years and have this silly idea seams have to match - hope you can help me with that!
Hi KC. Just wanted to let you know I recevied the Collage Camp DVD set. I just love it, I adore your work. I'm studing it all over and over. I hope I can do as well as you. I hope to develop my own style although yours are the best I've seen anywhere. Thank you so much for sharing your talent. Wish I could make it to Waupaca this summer, but previous plans won't allow that. Will be thinking of you all. Many smiles and hugs, Carol Mae
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