I had so much fun with 53 in my last post that I thought I would carry it a step further. Why should I be the only one getting presents? So here's a fun "thang."
For 53 hours (starting now and ending at 5 p.m. Friday MST) I am offering...
53% off any piece of fabric art on www.lipstickranch.com. Just pick what you want and e-me with your selection. Don't do the Buy Now because that has full price attached to it.
AND 53% off my One-on-One Individual Workshop. This is a 3-day intense creative retreat with just you and me in my studio in Colorado. 53% off for only 53 hours. And you pick the dates! 2009 or 2010.
Info at www.studioretreats.ning.com...left-hand column-scroll down.
Book before July 9, 2010 or I will be 54!
For the same 53 hours all the other workshops (dates on Studio Retreats) are 20% off. These workshops have limited spaces available. And there's NOT 53 of them.
As for me...I am going to curl up in the hammock for 53 minutes, make 53 edits on the book I am writing and treat myself to 53 Junior Mints. Ain't life grand?
Oh...and I made this Matisse collage in 53 minutes!
KC dear,
Avery happy birthday to you tomorrow,-hope it will be filled with sunschine, laughter, and happy moments.
As the sweet wonderfull woman you are ,you offered us Camp folks, to buy a piece from your beautifull art for half price, and its a wonderfull present , so I at once ordered one af the pieces I have alwayes admired, and wanted to own. I hope and pray it will be mine ,and that I will soon recieve a bill to confirm it will soon be here in my house, to admire, and love for ever.
Thank you so much dear.
Birthday-kiss, and hugs.
N.B. Your Matisse is so very beautifull.
Hugs Dorthe
If I could my friend, I would grant you 53 wishes.
Happy Happy Birthday.
love you much,
All the BEST to you, KC!! Hope this year is the most fun year you've ever had!
Happy Birthday!
Hey Yeehaw YAYA!!!
Long time no talk to!!! Hope all is going well...and my gosh, it is your big day! Wishing you loads of wishes and love my loving girlfriend! :)
thank you so much for your sweet love for my darlin' Kelly! xo...deb
Happy Birthday !!! I will be 50 in August, my how time flies ! { I don't think artists feel their age the same as others !!}
Happy happy happy birthday to you! You are lookin' good..blessings
Dang It! I am going to start putting "pressure" on Dave...I SO want to take one of your classes. -smile- on the putting pressure part. He's my best cheerleader.
"May the Good Lord take a likin' to you!" Remember that ending?
Ahem...note to Blackfeatherfarm - I agree with you...artists don't feel their age the same as others but I sure do feel my bones!
Happy Birthday, KC! What great plans you have for your birthday. Since I turn 60 this year, 53 is but a fond memory for me! Enjoy every minute. Kathleen
Happy BDay from a sista "53"!
Thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes. You made my day so special...really. If I would have known that blogging would have opened up my world to so many wonderful friends I would have done it a long time ago! You are appreciated....and have a special spot in my heart.
Happy birthday, KC!! Yeah, 53 sounds so young to me now too. You are so generous, and I am lucky to have you as a great source of inspiration. Enjoy your day! ~Nancy
Well . . . you aren't TOO far behind me in age, but you'll never catch up! Best wishes on your 54th birthday, and thanks for the inspiration. I've been part of the fiber arts group but haven't had time to jump in yet, so this is a wonderful motivation to keep up with you all! Have a blessed day . . .
Happy Birthday KC!!! I saw it was your birthday on JoAnnA's blog--I hope that your special day was filled with happiness and wonder! You are an incredible artist!
Have an awesome year!
Brenda Bliss
(a fellow July birthday artist in her 50's too!)
Hello Dahlink! Happy Happy Birthday! We're only a little less than a year apart. Your 53 idea is wonderful in so many ways. You are an awesome lady/teacher/artist/chick!
I selected you via Sandra's list (Thistle Cove Farm). Happy Birthday! I just became 50 last month. You seem so very talented.
Hope your birthday was a good one. I was thinking about you. I like the 53% off sale...how clever!
Dear KC,
Have the happiest of years....***53*** is an awesome age, I know you will enjoy it!!!
How cool that it all seems to be coming together and all under the number 53 which is an 8 in numerology. It is the number of "money". The number eight attracts it. On it's side it represents infinity. Go 53! I will join you soon in December
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