What a fun few days it has been since I announced my in-person Studio Retreats here in Colorado. Thanks for all the e-mails you've sent with such enthusiastic support. Hope to see many of you here in Colorado soon!
When I started my Collage Camp on-line video workshops back in April, and then added the Mixed Media Mania class sign-up in late May (as soon as my cough ends and my voice comes back we will finish those!)...you all have been amazing in your getting the word out. You know I could not have done that without you. I have been out of the loop, just hunkered down in my studio making work, these past few years and so no one knew to look for workshops from me, once I started to offer them. But you all put the word out "on the streets" in just a matter of days and I thank you for that. Do you think I could ask you to do it one more time? What if everyone who linked to my new KC Willis Studio Retreats got something from my studio to yours? Everybody.
See the cool little piece shown here? It's one of my small in size, big in attitude pieces. They're done with a variety of women from yesteryear and measure up to be a whopping 4"x6". A fun little piece to have.
Here's the scoop. Mention my Studio Retreats on your blog and link to the Retreats. You can grab the Badge off of the Retreat front page or grab any of the images off my blog and link. Drop a comment after this post with your blog link on it (great way for everyone who reads this blog to check out yours) and then e-mail your address to me privately at lipstickranch@yahoo.com. One of these great gals will be on the way to you right away. You can get the same linkage credit if you post a "Status Update" on Facebook with a link attached to it to the Retreats. If you don't have a blog or aren't on Facebook, but have a way to get the word out, I'm open to it. Just ask me. Want everyone who is willing to blab about an Art Retreat in Colorado to get a free little piece of my art and attitude! This giveaway is for five days or 100 pieces whichever comes first.
Please feel free to tell others on your blog about this Giveaway....just please make it very clear that the free piece is if they link to the Retreats not just link to this giveaway. Know what I mean?
I am just soooo excited about the opportunity to teach in person. Never thought I would do that (and I can't promise I will do it forever) BUT for now I am super-jazzed about it. I want you to come hang with me in my new studio, have dinner with me in the evening and enjoy the unbelievably beautiful area that I call home. I have so much I want to share with you about art and living the artistic life and so much I can learn from you.
As Georgia O'Keeffe said "There is something unexplored about women...that only a woman can explore."
With much gratitude for all your love and support....
ooooh sweetie, I'm IN!! I'm off to post about it now ~ I love spreadin' the news....hope that they are an amazing success KC, xxoo, Dawn
woo hoo the badge is on my blog already.. how exciting!! LOVE IT!!!
by the way KC.. when i first saw the piece in the photo i was instantly in love with its beauty.. the asymetry and uniqueness of the design really caught my eye...a beautiful work of art.
Hey KC, I've posted on my blog and did two links to the Retreat Site as well as a link to the blog for people to read this post.
Here's my post link:
KC, you are awesome!!!! I've so enjoyed your Collage Camp workshop & truly hope I'll be able to attend one of your retreats!!!
Here's a link to my blog, with a post about you & your retreat badge: http://catworx.blogspot.com/
Hi KC, I have written you up again and informed everyone to get on over to you retreat site.Now I shall email you. I hope I can arrange to get my body to CO for a retreat.It would be fantastic. Sharon
I've posted to my blog and will send out a tweet!
Added the badge for the retreat to my blog and now will do the e-mail. Fantastic!!! Betty Miller
I blogged and will also tell everyone I know who might be intersted.
Here's the post: http://ruralwisconsin.blogspot.com/2009/06/colorado-studio-retreat-alert.html
KC, you have got to be one of the most giving artists and I am so happy to call you my friend. I just keep running my fingers across the wonderful collage that arrived at my door last week. I knew I would love anything you did, that's why I said surprise me with Calamity Jane.
Timing is everything, as I had this post http://tinyurl.com/Studio-Retreats scheduled to post tonight 12:45 a few days ago. It has also be tweeted and published on FB.
I wish you all the best with the retreats!
Posted on Facebook!
Wish a retreat were in my budget ... I looooove Colorado!
K.S. this is simply fantastic ,what a give-away you are offering dear.
I`ts already on my blog www.denlillelade.blogspot.com
Love and hugs~Dorthe
I've done it KC, good luck with the retreats, I really wish I lived nearer!
Happytrails! Kaz :)
I am more than happy to spread the word. Here is my post:
Best wishes always,
Eileen in NYC
Hi KC, I have just posted your latest "Retreat" badge on my blog! What a giving soul you are. The DVD copy of your first "Collage Camp" arrived yesterday and I will truly treasure the wealth of information it holds. Even the label rocks!
I would love to meet you and work along side you, however, I can only dream. I adore the beauty of Colorado. Wishing you all the best with the retreats! ~Nan
P.S. Have also linked to Facebook.
Ooops....forgot to mention my blog link. http://herartnest.blogspot.com/.
Please include me in this fabulous give-away! Just give me 15 minutes to create the blog post! I wanted to be sure to be one of the first 100 to enter *smiles* xoxo I'll come back and give you the link in just a few . . .
Here's the link to my blog post http://gotart4u.blogspot.com/2009/06/lipstick-ranch.html
So happy to help a fellow artist. So I have the links all set up on my blog. and even after the post has passed on the side bar will still show the link to your retreats. I really hopes this helps you.
Looking forward to meeting you...Posted the retreat on my blog. Thanks so much!
KC! You are amazing! I don't know how you have so much energy and are so prolific with your art work, and have workshops and you're busy with your life too! If we could bottle that energy, I'd be your first customer, and you'd be RICH! You're quite spectacular!!! I've "badged up and linked" up today, and will "post up" tomorrow. FUN FUN! I'd love you see you in Colorado, practically my old home town!
Hi KC!
I did a post on my Facebbok acct and will add one on my blog at www.carolbsloan.bloggspot.com.
Oh , I wish I lived closer to you! How great for eveyone that you're sharing like this right in your studio! You rock lady!
Hi - I've got you on my blog as well as on FaceBook! Thanks for the opportunity!
Well KC, this is the exact way I found you weeks ago, word of mouth thru blogs! I am just wild for your art and creative style. I've dedicated a whole post to you, your art, and workshops! Hope it helps, and I can't wait to receive one of your little original works of art!
Hey KC I have my blog post up and a badge on the site. I combined your post with a blog party post where we had to write a post about what we're playing with these days. So hopefully the party will bring more in too.
I'll be adding it to my blog too~
the photo's look so tranquil-and it HAS to be cooler than it is here!
You are already on my blog! Thank you for your inspiration and generousity! Jamie V in MT
Just done a post about your retreat here. This is one of those times that I wish I lived on the other side of the pond!
Wishing you every success.
Karin :o)
Hey KC.. I blogged about the studio retreats and added a link to the website as well as a link to this blog to find out about the giveaway. Of my last 5 posts.. 4 of them had links to your sites.. sure hope it helps!
Thank you everyone. You guys are amazing! I appreciate you sooooo much.
You are an amazing artist! Greetings from Finland!
Hugs, Britt
more than happy to spread the word! I've linked to your retreats on my blog:
I love the video learning, and oh so wish I could just hop on over to the studio and take part in one of your retreats! Someday!!
oooh, this looks so neat! I did a facebook shout-out for you, I'll put it on my blog today too :D I *need* one of these collages ;)
thanks for such an awesome giveaway!~
Lovely art! I'd link you for nothing:-) Anyway, the link is up on Facebook, will do it on my blog as well later on - http://decolover.blogspot.com. Thanks for letting me see your art! Will browse some more now. Hugs, Monica
A friend sent me a link to your blog and... I`m in! :) Your art is beautiful, I am going to folow your blog from now on. I have already link you on my own blog: http://faerydae-bookofshadows.blogspot.com/
Hi KC: Just loved watching your "collage camp" videos!! You are so generous to offer a gift of your art just for a mention. But thank you for that. Darlene :-)
Here's the link to my facbook page:
K.C. You are one of the most generous artists I know. Oh, how I wish I was living back in Colorado. I would be picking your brain!
Ask and you shall receive, my friend - Here it is -
Hi, KC,
I put the retreat button on my blog:
I am definitely interested in your workshops; looks wonderful!
Thank you for the give away; super nice of you!
I've posted on my blog and it posts on Facebook. So you're covered two ways!
Thanks so much everyone. The giveaway has reached its 5-day deadline, so I am proclaiming it officially over. I appreciate you all soooo much. Your piece will be on it's way to you sometime in the next few weeks. Hugs etc. xxoo
I know I'm a day late for the giveaway (I'm always a day late!) and I'm fine with missing out, but I did want you to know that I posted about your retreats on my blog. I love your art, it just took me awhile to figure how to add links to my blog (I'm very new at this). I'm hoping I'll be able to participate in one of the retreats. Thanks for all your inspiration.
Kathleen Sigg
Hi KC, I maybe did not quite do the right thing with the post link so I`m trying to put it right here:
This is where I posted and linked to you,dear.
Hope I`m still in right time .
Nice to meet you and your creative space! :)
Christina xx
Hey Yeehaw Yaya!
Geez...look at your blog!!! Wow...you go girl! Hope all is going well...have a safe and beautiful 4th and look forward to talking with ya again soon.
I'm late and that's okay -smile- but I've absolutely raved about you at Thistle Cove Farm blog...July 3 entry. KC, I'm so proud of you and one of these days will tell you so in person!
I did my duty and posted on my blog, which I was happy to do cause your art is very special.
have a great day!
K.C., I've featured you on my blog today. I have been a follower for some time now. Only wish hubby and I were not currently unemployed and living on peanuts. I'd be signing up in a heartbeat.
Warm regards and best wishes for great success!
I'm linking on facebook (if i can make it work! lol). If it's not there, it'll be on my blog!
I am so happy to do this for you - you know i love your work and am so excited to get started on my first camp video series!!
It worked on facebook!! Soooooooo many people will see it there! :)
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