It's not that I haven't wanted to talk about how I make the art you see on Lipstick Ranch, it's just that I've been too busy making that art to talk about it. And honestly...workshops in far off states always seemed like a logistical nightmare to me, so I just avoided it. But now they've got this newfangled contraption called the "Internets" and I have climbed on board the Info Express.
With the encouragement of my dear friend, the wonderful mixed-media artist, Jane DesRosier I began thinking about doing what she is doing and set up my own video workshop series on the very cool Ning network. I created a Ning site called KC Willis Collage Camp and between Jane and my other super-talented artist buddy, Joanna Pierotti, we got through the set up and I've pitched my creative tent at Collage Camp.
You can check out the particulars at http://collagecamp.ning.com/.

I have the Workshop set up for early registration, so you can go on and read the many words I have put up describing everything. If you're not already a member of the Ning network you can Sign Up for free in the box at the top right. Being a part of the workshop with access to the other Artists and the upcoming workshop videos and yours truly, requires hitting the Buy It Now button and paying the reduced registration fee. It's all explained. Gonna be fun!
And if that wasn't enough....I've decided to give away a piece of my work. Just grab the Camp icon or Badge off of the first page of http://collagecamp.ning.com/. Link back to me, so others can see what we're gonna do. Drop a comment here and tell me you've done that and your name will go in a drawing to be held on April 30th. The winner can go on my site and pick out any one image-one quote piece in any size available and it's theirs! Heck, I'd like to get in on that drawing, but I don't have anymore room on my walls.
Georgia O'Keeffe took a class when she arrived in New Mexico, wanting to know the secrets of capturing the subtle colors of the hills outside her door. "They could teach me how to paint their mountains," she said. "But they couldn't teach me how to paint mine." I just want to share with you some of my techniques and my enthusiasm for what I do, so you will take that info and paint your own mountains.
E-mail me with any questions. Thanks everyone! I look forward to seeing you there!
I'm registered, badged, linked, and rarin' to enter that giveaway!
A KC original?! Like I'm not gonna try to get in on that rodeo?!
Hopefully a few of my followers will be intrigued with the workshop and click on the badge to register.
Hi KC! Awesome idea! Remember the other day when I told you I'd sign up the minute you got the workshops posted? Yes, well the next day I found out that I'm getting laid off. Yep me, a State Government worker! I always told my kids to work in government especially the courts or public safety, and they'd never have to worry about being without a job. Yikes. I better revise that statement. Thankfully they have nice careers with great seniority. (I thought I had nearly 6 years, but when I started part time, my service years dropped in half too). Oh well, something good comes from every things that happens to us.
Brilliant idea, I will be signing up first thing tomorrow (when my wages go into the bank!! lol)
I would love to be in your draw for your stunning artwork. I have linked you on my blog. :)
Kaz xox
I'm all badged up and rearing to go. I'd love to be included in your draw for a piece of your stunning artwork please.
Your workshops sound fantastic, I'm off to check out my finances.
Just did a post to help spread the news!
O.K. lets try this again.
I posted your workshop on my blog.
Wish you all the luck with it.
Have been viewing your work since you were featured on Janes blog, (Also were I found your workshop info)
I would be happy to display your work in my home, so please enter me in your giveaway.
I am off to visit your wokrshop.
Have a Great Day!
Fantastic!!! I've posted your workshop on my blog (the icon is in the post as well as on my sidebar) and I've already signed up on NING. *S*
this sounds awesome! I've long admired your work since I saw you on Jane's blog. Lovely, lovely stuff. best of luck with the class!
I am so excited about this class , i have been looking at your art for ages now , and love it , vintage and fabric what more can a girl ask for .......
I am just going over to join class , but don't have a blog so won't be able to link to it aahhh well c'est la vie .
Love Lorraine x
I'm in KC! I just posted about you, you will be a smashing success!!!!And a hug for Fiona!
KC - I just posted about this awesome opportunity on my blog. We are all so fortunate that you are going to do this! I will be signing up this Friday (payday)! Can't wait. Jamie V in Montana
Oh! I am so excited that The Rustic Victorian was sharing about you today. I hate that I have to run take care of today's activities but I so looking forward to coming home. WOO-HOO!!!
Love, Love, Love your creations, Candy
Hi KC, I've linked you to my blog...here's my address www.tabithlenox.blogspot.com
Looking forward to Collage Camp!
I knew you couldn't keep great news like this quiet for long! lol You know I have been spreading the news like wildfire with a blog post, badges, buttons, links....who wouldn't want to be a part of this awesome workshop and have a chance to win one of your pieces or work. Can't wait for the videos! Wishing you a great success with your new venture.
Hi darling,Love y'alls art darling,I listed about your camp om my blog so hope folks will see it and join you
Ive posted the link on my blog and will be there myself as well!! Looks like a wonderful class.. I always have a stock pot full of coffee and textiles on my stove.. or in my oven!
I have signed up and have posted the link on my blog! I am soo excited I can not wait to get started! :o)
Been lookin' at your art for a while now & gotta say how much I admire it!!!
I'd be thrilled to pieces to win a bit of your art for my own!
I've added a badge to my blog & it links back to your new camp for artists.
See ya later!
Thanks so much everyone!
Hey there!
You don't know how many times in the past 2 years I've checked your site to see if you've decided to blog!!!!! How COOL! Here you are! I was clued in by our mutual interest in Gritty Jane's gritty work! :-) I am a retired art teacher who first began fiber collage as a result of Faith Ringgold's work. Then, I saw your work a few years ago...and I was off to the races! My collage work is all by hand and I think I do the 'process' totally in reverse of how you do it...but nonetheless I am an ardent admirer. Please, if ya get a second,...check my blog at debrowe.blogspot.com
I am nowhere as good as you, but I think you'll see I have a mutual love for texture that you also seem to have...Anyway, I will definitely be back to see more of you work!!!!
Sunshine to ya!
Deb Rowe
What a generous giveaway and a great way to tell everyone about your fabulous camp! I'm signed up and ready to go and have put your badge on my blog. I'm telling everyone I know about it too!!
Welcome to blogland KC! Your class sounds very interesting! I will go check it out.
Hi KC! I have posted the badge on my blog and even blogged about my joining the camp today. I hope those who read it will take a look and decide to join us, too! I am so excited about this!
I first saw your work in a little shop in Minturn, Colorado while visiting my son in Vail. I couldn't get over the fabulous wall hangings. I bought a journal since it was within my budget. I have since used the journal cover in an altered book I did about Annie Oakley. Now I can recognize your work anywhere. I even have one of your original pieces and love it! Found that one in Cave Creek, AZ at Big Bronco (I think?!).
While searching through my stash today I came across cotton duck that I bought long ago along with pieces of blue and white ticking (vintage bought from a friend). Some of it is already dyed using coffee. I found your recipe in "Creating with Fabric" and set about dyeing the fabric. The photo transfers stumped me, however. Am looking forward to learning how to do those!
Anyway, I am very excited about this camp. I am leaving town on Thursday to visit my grandbabies for a week and will be anxious to get back and get started!!
Thanks for doing this camp online! What a fabulous opportunity!
Added the logo and link to my blog. Love to own a piece made by the master.
How fun! I look forward to signing up for your wonderful camp once I finish the workshop I'm currently doing. I added a link on my site to your workshop (you can find it at alteredbits.com/links.php). I'll add it to my blog later today too.
I'm all linked up and ready to go! And I am so lucky to have my local girl Judy to share this with. Can't wait to get started!
ok, after wrestling with my blog all last night, I finally got that badge up for the whole world to click on & join us in what I'm sure is going to be a great class! So toss my name in the hat for your drawing-I never win, but I sure do give it a good shot:)
I added the badge to my blog. Oh I hope I win!! But which fabulous art piece would I pick?
Thanks for doing this!!
ok, I'm back again:) I've got your badge up linking to Collage Camp, and just made a blog post talking about it & giving every link possible back to you & class. Hope I've got it all covered now to be in the drawing!
KC, I am so excited about this. Got the badge on my blog for more promo for you. Lots of crafty cowgirls are going to dig this! Yeeeha!
Thanks so much for offering your class, and a chance to win one of your fabric pieces. I just signed up for your camp today, and have added your site to my blog.
Got you badged on my blog~right on top~loving camp already!
I'd love to be a participant in the drawing for the 'art piece'. Thanks. Joy F. Smith
Hi KC,
this is Maureen from Urban Pastures and Creative Textures. I have your badge and link all set up on my blog. Hopefully a few folks will come check out your Cool Collage Camp. Put my name in for that free give away. I wish you all the best with the workshop it looks fantastic and I know it will be loads of fun besides educational. Go girl.
I just added your badge and link on my blog. I cant wait to get signed up for your class! Love your work!
I'm the new kid on the block! I am so excited about registering and getting started! I have two blogs and I have posted your badge on both and linked them to your page! Does that mean I get my name in the pot twice? Well, you can't blame a girl for trying!
Yes, please- throw my name in the hat!!!!
Did you get my note about the piece I wanted? I've been looking for an invoice but haven't recieved it yet. Thanks!
And, your badge is on my blog!!!
i joined your class! i have admired your art for a few years so i am excited to learn. i posted your badge and a link to your site on my blog.
I am very excited to start camping!! Yes, I did post your badge AND a separate post to invite everyone I know. Been collecting, stashing, more searching, and even more stashing. You sure gave me a new perspective on what I can collect for my artwork. Please enter me in your giveaway! Thanks for all your work so far. ~Nan ncvanhoose@comcast.net
Hi KC! I've posted an article on my blog featuring your collge camp...you can find it at http://www.anitastamps.com. Can't wait to start class! Hugs! Anita
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